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ESL Class

2012.07.14 01:10

admin2 Views:13667

아래와같은 내용으로 ESL을  익힐수 있는 좋은 기회가 왔습니다. 
관심있으신 분은  한인회 총무 노재문 회원님께 연락주시기 바랍니다.(ASAP)   

인원파악이 필요합니다.

노재문 전화 :949-768-5657    


한인회장 김병희 올림 7-14-12

 “One of the goals of our Mayor of Laguna Woods, Ms. Cynthia Conners is to wish to integrate all the residents in this great City.  She is to explore the possibility of offering English as a Second Language (ESL) to our residents who may need some help to be more proficient and comfortable socializing with their neighbors/friends.Do you think there is a such need in your Club?  If so, how many of your members would be willing to attend and participate in this class?


Ms. Conners is interested to have a "pilot" class and assess its progress, then determine the level, size and frequency of this class.


Please help us to ask your members if they are interested in this program?  How many?

Thank you very much for your help.






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Any inquiry as to this board and website or suggestions should be directed to Admin (e-mail: 김익현 ikkim922@hotmail.com ). Thanks!