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Morning Has Broken, Art Garfunkel & Diana Krall [Cat Stevens] 

        Morning Has Broken

        Song by Yusuf Islam

        Morning has broken, like the first morning
        Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
        Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
        Praise for the springing fresh from the world

        Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven
        Like the first dewfall, on the first grass
        Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
        Sprung in completeness where his feet pass

        Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
        Born of the one light, eden saw play
        Praise with elation, praise every morning
        God's recreation of the new day

No. Subject Author Date Views
Notice Member registration Korean American Community registration Dstone 2023.05.31 13016
368 건강에 나쁜 '병물'들- 가능하면 마시지 맙시다 [1] JohnPark 2015.04.23 6974
367 한인을 위한 Intermediate/Advanced Computer 강좌 안내 admin2 2015.04.23 2167
366 ★ 장례문화, 의식이 바뀝니다 ★ JohnPark 2015.04.23 2270
365 유머보다 재미있는 유머 (*Bobby Kim의 mail에서) JohnPark 2015.04.19 2176
364 장개석(蔣介石)의 화장실 청소 JohnPark 2015.04.19 2118
363 컴퓨터놀이 총집합 15 (치매예방) JohnPark 2015.04.15 2963
362 [LW-Golf] The Friendship Cup Tournament, Korean vs. International Team file Donna 2015.03.26 3154
361 [LPGA] 김효주, JTBC 파운더스컵에서 시즌 첫 승 JohnPark 2015.03.23 2158
360 The world will miss Lee Kuan Yew - The Washington Post [1] JohnPark 2015.03.23 2111
359 [Photo] Korean Classic Dance 4/4 file 박승원 2015.03.16 1880
358 [Photo] Korean Classic Dance 3/4 file 박승원 2015.03.16 2089
357 [Photo] Korean Classic Dance 2/4 file 박승원 2015.03.16 1908
356 [Photo] Korean Classic Dance 1/4 file 박승원 2015.03.16 1930
355 [LW-KAC-Hiking Club] The 109th Trip to Whiting Ranch file 박승원 2015.03.16 1898
354 Wintley Phipps Sings Amazing Grace at Carnegie Hall lwv1 2015.03.10 2001
353 놀라운 performance 들! JohnPark 2015.03.09 2218
352 한인을 위한 iPhone / iPad 강좌안내 admin2 2015.03.09 5611
351 [Essay] 이상한 나라의 외국인 (김성곤) [1] 一水去士 2015.02.27 2553
350 [LW-KAC-Hiking] Trip to Indian Canyons, Palm Springs file 박승원 2015.02.26 2224
349 [PGA Golf] James Hahn - Can he keep on going? [1] 一水去士 2015.02.23 4733
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