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한국어로 하는 Computer 강좌

 2014 3 17 부터 4 16 (4주간)

한인을 위한  "Basic PICASA" 

Android Phone / Android Tablet강좌를

PCM Computer Room 에서 시작함을 알림니다.

BASIC  PICASA in Korean Language – 4 weeks

Ken Min

Monday 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Class begins March 17 to April 7


This introductory 4 week course on PICASA is taught in Korean Language.

The first week will be devoted to importing pictures from a flash drive or digital camera,

moving  photos and creating folders.

The second and the third classes demonstrate how to edit photos.

The fourth week covers creating web albums, Emailing albums, and reviews.

Pre-requisites for this course are at least elementary knowledge of computer operation,

and ability to understand Korean Language.

Android Phone / Tablet Class in Korean Language – 4 weeks

Lorna Seung

Wednesday 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Class begins March 26  to April 16


Android Phone/Android Tablet is lately used as a digital camera, a cellular phone,

and a hand-held PC. This introductory 4 week course on Android Phone/Tablet  is

taught in Korean Language.

This course discusses how to use Android Phone or Tablet  for internet access,

Setting, System updates, Wi-Fi, Download Apps, (Bible, Hangout , Update Apps),

Organize Apps, Contact, Message, Emails, GPS navigation with Google Map, Internet Search, Camera/Camcorder, Send Pictures, Video Chat, Calendars, You Tube, Kakao Talk, Etc.

Pre-requisites for this course are at least elementary knowledge of computer operation,

and ability to understand Korean Language.

[Android Phone Class 본인의 Android Phone이나 Android Tablet지참 요망 ]


Class 제한은 21명이며  이후의 등록자는 자동으로

다음 Class에서 수강 하실  있습니다.

Laptop을 사용하시는 분은 본인의 Laptop을 가져 오셔서 사용하시는 것을 권장합니다.


 Class Registration

Date/Time/Place: March 6(Thur.) 10:00AM-12:00 Noon,

In the Learning Center (PCM 3)

PC Club Annual Membership Fee (for 2014) : $10:00

Class Registration Fee (Picasa or Android Phone) : $15:00

Checks only : Payable to PC Club

PC Club Member Fee Class Fee 따로 Check 써야 합니다.


문의 전화 (951) 442-5091 John Choi

No. Subject Author Date Views
Notice Member registration Korean American Community registration Dstone 2023.05.31 1114
272 걷기의 효과 JohnPark 2014.09.24 2559
271 '비타민D' 조금만 부족해도, 치매 위험 급상승 JohnPark 2014.09.22 3047
270 글로벌 다큐멘터리 인류, 우리 모두의 이야기 JohnPark 2014.09.22 4058
269 Computer Class - Session-5 : 동영상 편집 admin2 2014.09.18 9297
268 한인을 위한 Computer 강좌, 추가 안내입니다. (Window 8.1) admin2 2014.08.29 3518
267 한인을 위한 중급 PC 강좌 admin2 2014.08.28 3200
266 [영화] "소나기" - 황순원 원작 [1] 一水去士 2014.08.22 3728
265 [딘편소설] "소나기" - 황순원 [1] 一水去士 2014.08.22 3113
264 6.25 참전용사 초대 모임 [1] file LW-한인회 2014.08.19 3388
263 한국의 혼란 - 좌파의 과잉민주주의 우국지사 2014.08.11 2646
262 나라가 기울고 있다 JohnPark 2014.08.10 3053
261 [한국영화 - "명랑"] 이순신의 명랑해전 [3] 一水去士 2014.08.07 7023
260 '아마존의 눈물 (Tears of the Amazon)' JohnPark 2014.08.05 4828
259 'Antonio Corea' JohnPark 2014.08.02 4625
258 인간 이정현 - 국회의원이 되기까지 [2] 一水去士 2014.08.01 3375
257 Good News from Korea - 박근혜 보수파의 승리 [1] 一水去士 2014.08.01 3726
256 訃 告 - 양태휴 님 file LW-한인회 2014.07.30 3091
255 한인을 위한 Computer강좌 (Intermediate Window 7 & Internet) admin2 2014.07.29 5626
254 이스라엘은 왜 가혹하게 대응하는가? ‏ JohnPark 2014.07.28 2897
253 "기적" - This is a very good story JohnPark 2014.07.27 2982
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Any inquiry as to this board and website or suggestions should be directed to Admin (e-mail: 김익현 ikkim922@hotmail.com ). Thanks!